
Meaning meaning, searching for meaning… what is my meaning?  What am i to do?  Grace Dixon from 1781 (Abbie Mills’ ancestor, TV show Sleepy Hollow) says that putting pen to paper is the only way to hope that things will not be forgotten.


Perhaps this is urging my to record my experiences.  I want others to realize my strength, know all that I have overcome and the incredible journey that I have to share.  I have enough time right now, to collect and record my trials and the triumphs that have happened in my life.

I have been discussing this with my husband,  “Life’s a journey, not a destination, and I think we’re still trying to figure out  who this Danielle Karst person is.”  (Directly quoting Matt)  We should enjoy the journey; always remember to appreciate everything that is going on around us.  Matt says that is seems I’m very apprehensive about the future and what’s going to happen next.  OF COURSE I’m apprehensive about the future; we never know what will happen next, because IT IS IN the future.  Sometimes we just need faith and trust that God will work it all out.  But trusting in what we cannot see is the hardest thing for me to do.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean  not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.     Proverbs 3:5

Like my mom says, I am still young, and I have time to figure life out.

About Danielle!

A young professional Longwood University alum, with a traumatic brain injury having previously worked in the Therapeutic Recreation field with the elderly at nursing homes in Fairfax, VA. Now as a TBI advocate, trying to help others learn more about TBIs is involved in support groups, as well as very involved in crocheting, and the Prayer Shawl Ministry at my church. I also am working part-time at a library.
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